Residents who are interested in sitting on one of the Town's various commissions/boards/committees must submit an application. Only applications for open available positions will be accepted.

Submit an application for an open position here!

If you prefer to print and submit in person or in the mail we also have a printable form:

Application for appointment to commissions/boards/committee *Printable

The term for all appointments will run until November 30, 2022 unless otherwise specified.

Focus Group for the Marathon Accessibility Plan

The Committee will assist the municipality in ensuring the plan captures all areas.

Applications are currently being accepted.

Committee of Adjustments

The Committee is empowered to perform such duties as prescribed by the Planning Act, such as minor variance applications to the Town's Zoning By-Law and exercises consent granting authority.

Applications are currently being accepted.

Property Standards Appeal Committee

The Committee is the appeal body with respect to orders to comply issued under the Town's Property Standards By-law.

Applications are currently being accepted.

Library Board

The Board shall seek to provide a comprehensive and efficient public library service that reflects the community's unique needs.

Applications are currently being accepted.

Police Services Board

The role of the Marathon Police Services Board is to oversee the provision of the police services in Marathon. The Board is the civilian trustee of the public interest as it pertains to police services in the community. The Police Services Board is governed by the Ontario Police Services Act, R.S.O., 1990.

The Provincial Appointment is still accepting applications - to apply visit: 

Currently there are no Municipal positions or openings.

Waterfront Recreation Advisory Committee

The Marathon Waterfront Recreation Advisory Committee (WRAC) is an advisory committee to Council responsible for the promotion and development of waterfront development facilities in Marathon.  The Committee shall encourage and support all interest groups, organizations, agencies, institutions or individuals that participate in – or contribute to – waterfront activities in Marathon.

Currently there are no positions or openings.

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